--------------------------------------------------------------- POWWOW 1.2.5r5 for Cygwin/Win32 and MUME Local Editing last modified 16th May, 2001 by Axel Trocha (axel@trocha.com) --------------------------------------------------------------- ## Usually I only use Linux, so if it is possible to improve ## the Windows relating stuff, drop me a note at either ## email: axel@trocha.com / mume-mail: @axel Operating Systems: - tested...: Win2k, Win98, Win95, WinNT - untested.: WinME (give me feedback!!) ## INSTALLATION: 1) click on the 'setup' in the powwow directory. It will tell the cygwin .dll about where powwow is located. If you did that once, no need to call setup again - only if you move powwow to another directory. 2) actually now you are already set! Start the powwow.bat and try to local-edit some. Do not forget to send the powwow command #identify, so that powwow tells MUME, that it is an editing client. ## GENERAL NOTE: I did put most emphasize on getting MUME-local-editing going nicely and adding stuff, which can be used for building. The Win9x version seem pretty slow, mostly due to its multitasking and the fact that console windows always are slow. Also the Win9x-console does not support scroll-back. I think the WindowsNT versions work nicely. IMO if you want to pk, I would suggest using a native win32 client or just install linux and use powwow on Linux. Once you felt the speed, you never want to miss it :) ## USING OTHER EDITORS: The default editor is notepad. You may change that, by setting the POWWOWEDITOR variable to for instance &wordpad. If you forget to set the &, your mud-session will freeze, until the editing-session is done. Following some examples for POWWOWEDITOR. I rewrote the powwow #edit command. Now #edit sets the powwoweditor. #edit shows active editing sessions #edit sets the powwoweditor e.g.: #edit ¬epad WARNING: use SLASHES instead of backslashes. Since blackslashes are interpreted as sequence-prefixes. (a) set POWWOWEDIT=&wordpad (b) set POWWOWEDIT=¬epad (c) WinNT: set "POWWOWEDITOR=&cmd /c start /wait edit" Win9x: set POWWOWEDITOR=&start /w edit (d) WinNT: set "POWWOWEDITOR=&cmd /c start /wait vi" Win9x: set POWWOWEDITOR=&start /w vi (e) set POWWOWEDITOR=./vi (f) WinNT: set "POWWOWEDITOR=&D:/00/emacs-20.7/bin/emacs.exe" Win9x: set POWWOWEDITOR=&D:/00/emacs-20.7/bin/emacs.exe ------ (a) and (b) should be pretty clear :> (c), (d) and (f) show that Win9x and WinNT are not exactly alike: The program-names of the command interpreters are different. Also Win2k (I do not know about WinNT) cuts out the &. The quotes prevent that behavior. (c) using DOS edit.. (d) a compiled version of vi is included in this package - if you do not know it - it is not the right time to try it out (e) I use that for example on my slow 640x480 laptop. When I am working in fullscreen mode and do not want an new window to be spawned on an edit-session, but still want to use an enhanced editor. I tested following editors: - wordpad, notepad, dos edit, qedit, win32-emacs, cygwin-vi ## MUTLI-WINDOWS Unix-Powwow supports multi-windows (certain output is shown in another window), but since it uses pipes for that and pipes somehow do not work with cygwin, I was not able to use that feature. Anyways, that option had a serious flaw. Once you close such a window, powwow hangs when it wants to output 'into' it. Since I wanted to use multi-windows with the powwow-win32 version too, I thought of something different. Actually the approach is pretty straight-forward. I created a batch-file called win.bat, which just just outputs (tail) a given file. Advantage, powwow does not lock up, if you just close the window. USAGE: To use that for yourself, do #exe opens a new window and outputs the contents of ../tmp/ Thought at this point the is empty. You have to set up an action to feed the with the wanted data. For instance, lets say you want narrates to be output: #ac >+narrsave ^$1 narrates &2\033[0m= {#print;#write ($last_line;"/tmp/narrates")} and then just enter 'win narrates'. Now the narrates will be output as usual in your main-window and also in the new window. That was just a quick example and does not focus on teaching how to use powwow. At this place I like to point out that I put a set of powwow scripts into powwow/bin/scripts. Those scripts also include pray, tell, narrate saving, which can be used nicely with with mutli-windows. ## ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES: a) POWWOWPAGER (default: &more) b) POWWOWEDITOR (default: ¬epad) ## TROUBLE-SHOOTING: - Wordpad gets called, but cant find the temp-file => put wordpad-destination into the windows %PATH% - if you resized the console window and the command prompt is screwd up - use #lines #lines => will reset the number-of-screen-lines variable (I gonna automate that later) - #powwow: fatal system call error: execve (2: No such file or directory) => you didnt execute >setup_once.bat< ## BUGS/NOTES: - somehow regexp's do not work :< but I definetly try to get the going - note to self: maybe cr/lf <-> lf stuff on import in editor Windows <-> Unix ## REFERENCES: a) Cygwin-Distribution Site - http://www.cygwin.com b) Powwow-Homepage - http://http://Linuz.sns.it/~max/powwow/ c) MUME - http://fire.pvv.org